Thursday, September 8, 2011

Keeping up with the Correspondence

I have been so busy that I have slacked in my Blogging duties. I do really enjoying keeping a log of what has been happening and the new ideas and projects I get assigned, but they do keep me from my blogging.

I am still plugging away at the wastewater document management/administration. I am able to reconcile the hard copies with the electronic versions now, and make sure everything is in one place and easily accessible. I have also been working on the contracts process for the Town and most of the skills I used for wastewater can, hopefully, be used in this arena also.

The past few weeks have been a real learning experience for me. I have been privy to details of how this municipality runs and what drives the decisions management and staff make. As a new professional, it has really been eye-opening to see these types of decisions and processes. It has also given me the chance to think things through and see everything that goes into a functioning municipality. I really give credit to the department heads and management, they maintain the mission and vision and strategic goals of the Town regardless of the area. I really think that is one of the reasons that Marana has been able to withstand the economic hardships that have plagued other cities and towns.

Vickie and I held court at the League of Cities and Town convention last week. We had an exceptional booth with give aways galore and a working traffic light! Special thanks to the guys from O&M for helping us with all the traffic themed items we used. It made it so authentic. That experience was another of which, I was really glad to be a part. I got to facilitate from design to implementation. Even thought it was just a small booth, it seemed a little like a microcosm of what I have been doing on other projects. While not doing the work solo, I have been given the autonomy to work things out on my own and bring ideas back to the table for discussion. Sometimes they are shot down, of course, but the opportunity to have that discussion is invaluable to me, just starting my career. I really enjoy being here, not sure I mentioned that before, but its true. There are really smart, energetic and motivated people here, and I would love to continue to be a part of what makes Marana successful.

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